利用温室大棚创造河蟹蟹苗生长发育的小气候环境 ,采用现代化饲养管理技术 ,使当年蟹苗养殖成为商品蟹 ,养殖周期由 2~ 3年缩短为 7~ 10个月 ,平均规格达 110~ 135 g/只 ,大大降低养殖成本 ,提高养殖经济效益。
The climatic conditions in plastic house were created for the growth and development of river crab seedlings By the developed modern raising techniques, the raising period of commercial river crabs were shortened from 2 ~3 years to 7~10 months, and the average weight of commercial river crabs reached at 110~135 g per crab The costs were reduced and economic benefits were improved by the new raising technique
Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology