以四川养麝研究所下属的都江堰养麝场家养雄性林麝 1 991~ 2 0 0 1年的取香记录和 2 0 0 1年泌香盛期观察记录为研究对象 ,采用生物统计的方法 ,探讨了雄麝年龄、泌香盛期的长短和蛋白营养水平对雄麝泌香量和有效取香率的影响。统计结果表明 :1 .5~ 7.5岁为其泌香的高峰盛期 ,其雄麝平均泌香产量达到 1 2 .2 6g/只 ,有效取香率达到 95.6 4% ,4 .5岁为其泌香的最高盛期 ,平均达到 1 3.53g/只 ;雄麝泌香主要集中在 5月、6月发生 ,其泌香盛期的长短对泌香量的影响不明显 ;在保持相同青绿多汁饲料和精饲料饲喂比例的情况下 ,提高精饲料的粗蛋白水平 ,能极显著提高雄麝的泌香量 (P <0 .0 1 )
In this study,the effcet of the male musk deer's age,booming period's length of musk secretion and nutritional level of protein on the musk secretion quantity and effective musk extraction rate was studied by the biostatistical method. The results showed the 1.5~7.5 years old was the booming period of musk secretion,the average secretion was 12.26g/head, and the effective musk extraction rate was 95.64%. And the 4.5 years old was the topmost musk secretion age, the average secretion was 13.53g/head. The musk secretion period was mainly in May and June. The effect of booming period's length of musk secretion on the musk secretion quantity was not distinct. The higher crude protein level could remarkably improve the musk secretion quantity (P<0.01).
Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research
Moschus berezovskii
Musk secretion quantity
Effective musk extraction rate