
GIS技术在黄土高原退耕还林草工程中的应用 被引量:28

An Application of Using GIS Technology to Return Hillside Cultivated Land for Forestry and Grassland in Loess Plateau Region
摘要 坡耕地退耕还林 (草 )是我国黄土高原地区、特别是黄土丘陵沟壑区实施水土保持和生态环境建设的基本方法之一 ,如何快速了解区域土地利用现状是实施这一工程的关键所在 ,传统的统计法和图上量算法均无法满足科学高效的要求。结合黄土丘陵沟壑区地形特点 ,研究并探讨了应用 GIS技术实现该地区土地利用状况快速清查的工作过程及关键技术 ,以期为在全区实现土地资源调查、规划、管理的科学化、自动化。 One basic method for the soil and water conservation and ecologic environment constructions in the loess plateau, especially the loess hill and gully area is to return the hillside cultivated land for forestry and grassland. The key issue to execute the project is how to rapidly learn about the current land use situation of the area. The traditional statistical method and on map measurement method are unable to meet the requirements of scientific high efficiency. Combined with the topographic features of the loess hill and gully area, the working process and key technologies of using GIS technology are studied and explored to realize the rapid inspection and checking on the land use situation so as to provide valid methods and basis to realize the automatization and standardization of scientific investigation, planning and management for the land resources in the whole area.
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期46-50,共5页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家自然科学基金 (4 99710 65 ) 教育部资助优秀青年教师基金 黄委会水土保持科研基金项目 (hsbkj2 0 0 0- 0 2 )
关键词 GIS技术 黄土高原 退耕还林草工程 应用 地理信息系统 soil and water loss return cultivated land for forestry and grassland current land use situation
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