
工业革命以来青藏高原与南极冰芯高分辨率甲烷记录对比研究 被引量:1

Comparison of High\|resolution Ice Core Methane Records from the Tibetan Plateau and Antarctica since the Industrial Revolution
摘要 自工业革命以来全球大气CH4含量呈快速的增长趋势 ,但达索普冰芯记录所显示的北半球中低纬度地区大气CH4增长的启动时间要晚于极地冰芯记录近 10 0a .由于受北半球人类活动CH4排放、CH4在大气中的寿命及大气中CH4的传输等过程的影响 ,最近 15 0a以来 ,中低纬度大气CH4与南极大气CH4含量在不同的时段表现出不同的净积累量和增长速率 ,且 2 0世纪两次世界大战期间达索普冰芯记录明确显示出人类活动排放的减缓使大气CH4呈负增长 .对比研究认为 ,到 2 0世纪中叶人类活动的甲烷排放已达到极高值 ,中低纬度大气中CH4增长率及年积累逐步趋于平稳且略有降低 .可以认定 ,工业革命以来中低纬度地区大气CH4与南极大气CH4含量的变化在不同的时段在受控于人类活动影响的同时 ,CH4在大气中的行为和传输过程以及东亚中低纬度季风气候的影响决定了两地之间大气CH4含量变化存在显著的差异 . Atmospheric CH 4 has increased globally since the industrial revolution. However, the Dasuopu ice core record shows that the start time of atmospheric CH 4 increase in low\|mid latitude in north\|hemisphere is 100 a latter than that in Polar Regions. Due to the impacts of anthropogenic CH 4 emission, CH 4 lifetime and CH 4 transport in atmosphere, etc., in the recent 150 a, the annual net accumulation and annual growth rate of CH 4 in atmosphere are different in low\|mid latitude and in Antarctica. The observed decrease of methane concentration during World War and World War is recorded in the Dasuopu ice core. Comparison reveals that in the middle of the last century anthropogenic CH 4 emission has reached its highest limit and then a declining atmospheric CH 4 growth rate have been documented since 1945. It is reasonable that the differences of atmospheric CH 4 between low\|mid latitude and Antarctica since industrial revolution are due to human activities, actions of CH 4 in atmosphere and local climate variations in Southeast Asia.
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期477-483,共7页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目 (KZCX1 SW 0 1 10 KZCX1 10 0 2 KZCX1 Y 0 5 ) 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所知识创新工程项目 (CACX2 10 0 46) 国家自然科学基金项目 (4 0 0 710 2 4)资助
关键词 青藏高原 南极 冰芯 甲烷记录 工业革命 CH4记录 全球大气 人类活动 industrial revolution CH 4 record comparison
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