The ripe pollen was collected from 82 varieties of 10 deciduous
fruits species. Analysed the contents of thickprotein, hydrolysis am-
inoacid, dissociation-aminoacid.
In different species, different varieties and different aminoacid,
contents of aminoacid showed difference. It can be used as a basis
for utilization of pollen.
Deciduous fruits pollen were compared with 9 been collected in
contents o f hydrolysis-aminoacid, calclated the contents of body essen-
tial aminoacid and E/T rate. The hydrolysis-aminoacid was recorded
the points (AAS). Analysis result showed obvious deciduous fruits
pollen value in nutriology.
Contained sulphur aminoacid was lack in deciduous fruit pollen,
It needs to be added contained sulphure aminoacid during processing
pollen product.