西灵圣母是云南省楚雄彝族自治州首府鹿城西山的一位女神 ,传说她诞生于南诏时期 ,历经唐宋元明清民国 ,流传至今 ,绵绵千余年倍受楚雄各民族人们的膜拜。此女神由“倮黑妇”到西山圣母 ,到西灵圣母 ,至今成为一位民间草药医生的形象 ,反映了楚雄地区各民族文化交融 。
Xilin Shengmu is a goddess on the Western Hill in Lucheng Township, the capital of Chuxiong Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province It is said that she was born in the Nanzhao Kingdom and has been worshiped by the Chuxiong people for more than 1000 years The goddess has ever been called 'Loheifu', 'Xishan Shengmu','Xilin Shengmu', and now she is an incarnation of a folk doctor
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University