
VG354质谱计软件系统的改进及功能扩展 被引量:1

Development of Extended Function of Software Used for Mass Spectrometry VG354
摘要 根据同位素测定新方法的建立和石墨的非还原离子发射特性等方面研究的需要 ,在现有VG35 4质谱计的软件系统功能基础上 ,改进并开发了该正热电离质谱计的测量新功能。该新增功能依据被测样品设定的初始值 ,采用峰跳扫描方式自动连续测量随时间的变化一种或几种正离子的离子流强度、同位素比值等数值的变化 ,同时可将结果输出到打印机或保存到磁盘中 ,为研究同位素分馏、离子的发射机理以及石墨的非还原离子发射特性等建立了良好的实验条件 。 This paper describes software development of the extended function for mass spectrometry model VG354 and its application in establishing new method of isotopic measurement of mass spectrometry, investigating characteristics of non reductive thermal ion emission of graphite in thermal ionization mass spectrometry. According to initialization and settings, this new function can automatically measure isotopic ratios and intensities of positive thermal ions with keeping filament constant current. It provides the new method to study isotopic fractionation, mechanism of ion emission and establishing new isotopic measurement method. Some examples of application of the new extended function are presented in this paper.
出处 《现代科学仪器》 2001年第6期7-9,共3页 Modern Scientific Instruments
关键词 质谱计 软件系统 改进 功能扩展 同位素测定 Mass spectrometry software isotopic measurement function
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