轮胎滚动接地能量分析 ,对研究其滚动磨损具有重要意义 .通过对轮胎接地运动和接地受力分析 ,建立用于轮胎有限元分析的接地能量损失模型 ,并据此模型对 9.0 0R2 0轮胎接地能量损失进行计算 。
Energy analysis of rolling tire in footprint area plays significantly an important role in studying on tire wear. In this paper, based on behavior of motion and force in this region, the model for energy dissipation is built up. By means of the model, 9.00R20 tire was analyzed. The result has a good agreement with what is computed by existing theoretical model.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technolgy
沈阳化工学院启动基金资助课题 ( 2 0 0 15 )