这篇文章针对目前学术界的一种有悖于“昭君精神”的提法进行了深入研讨 ,认为 :民族团结 ,和平友好是一项伟大的事业 ,它不可能由任何个人所独自完成。纵观历史长河 ,中华各族谁也离不开谁的现象 ,正是在经济需求互为依赖 ,血脉亲缘紧密相联的基础上 ,经过中华民族全体人民的共同努力、长期坚持才形成的。所以 ,“昭君精神”不应该有排他性 ,任何人为民族团结、和平安宁做出贡献 ,都属于“昭君精神”。细君公主早在昭君之前 70余年即已远嫁乌孙 ,并且能在非常艰苦、困难的条件下顽强坚持 ,完成了和亲使者的使命 ,最终以不满 2 5岁的年龄 ,客死西域。我们不但应该同情她 ,更需要理解她 ,尊重她 ,而不应该贬低她。拿她来与昭君相比较 ,也不合适 ,因为他们所处的历史背景 ,互不相同。细君为民族团结 ,经济文化交流做出的贡献 ,远大于昭君。
After study, the paper is intended to show that the contribution made by Princess Xijun is not less than that made by Ning Huye in promoting the mutual understanding and cultural exchange between the people of Wusun and the people of the Han Dynasty. This paper shows that the unity of various nationalities can never be achieved through one person's power, while Princess Xijun did a lot in the extremely difficult conditions. Therefore she deserved respect rather than depreciation.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition