本文记述叶蝉总科隐脉叶蝉科消室叶蝉属一新种:福建消室叶蝉Chudania fujianana Cai et Kuoh,sp.n.。标本采自中国福建省。模式标本保存于福建农学院。
This paper reports a new species of the genus Chudania Distant from Fujian Province, China. The type specimen is deposited in Fujian Agricultural College.Chudania fujianana Cai et Kuoh, sp. n. (fig.1)This species is very similar to Chudania kunmingana Zhang et Yang, but may be distinguished by the crown, basal half of face, pronotum and scutellum black, also by the color pattern of dorsum, and the well developed appendages of aedeagus.Length incl. tegm. : ♂ 5.2mm.Holotype: ♂, Mt. Huanggang, Chongan County, Fujian Province, July 25, 1983, collected by Zhuo Changxi.