在中国改革的理论和制度创新中 ,没有比市场经济更具有迎接全球化挑战的内涵。在中国走向市场经济的背后 ,是一种全新的革新机制 ,这种机制在中国任何过去的制度记忆和体验中都是前所未有的 ,建立这种机制的压力和经验几乎全部来自外部世界。为了迎接这种全球化所造成的由内生型改革走向外生型改革的挑战 ,中国社会主义的理论和制度层面都进行了创新 ,但是仍然存在理论层面和制度层面从外部到内部的不平衡问题。为了迎接全球化的经济市场化、政治民主化和思想文化多样化的深刻挑战 ,当代中国的社会主义必须从“远虑”式的课题入手 ,真正着眼于长远确立理论和制度创新的根本原则 ,继续进行社会主义理论的革命性创新。
In Chinas reform theory and system innovation,the market economy will surely meet globalized challenge.It is a brand-new system unprecedented in China's history.During the period of establishing the system,there are many pressures from outside world.In order to meet the globalized challenge which changes reform from inside to outside,Chinas socialist theory and system must be innovated.However,there is still from-outside-to-inside imbalance in theory and system.In theory and system innovations must be made in Chinas solialism from long-standing viewpoint so as to meet the challenge the globalized economic integration,political democracy and diversity in culture ideology have brought.
Journal of Zhenjiang College