本文运用导入外部效应的内生增长模型和叠代模型 ,分析了社会保障制度中不同财政运行方式的年金制度对经济增长率以及社会福利所产生的效果。得出的结论是 ,不同的年金制度会通过影响个人的生涯可支配收入而对经济增长和社会福利产生不同的影响。由于完全基金方式的年金制度不改变个人的生涯可支配收入 ,因此具有中性。但是 ,现收现付的年金制度却有可能改变个人的生涯可支配收入 ,从而对经济增长率和社会福利产生负面影响。
The paper analyses the effect of public pension system of defferent financial operations in the social security system on economic growth rate and social welfare, by introducing the endogenous growth model and overlapping generation model. It comes to thc conclusion that different pension system will produce different effects on economic growth and social welfare through influencing an individual's disposable income in his career. Fully funded system is neutral because this pension system does not change an individual's disposable income in his career. But the pay as you go system may change an individual's disposable income in his career, thus exerting negative effects on economic growth rate and social welfare.
Journal of Finance and Economics