Erperimental method to measure the prompt neutron spectra of 238U fissioninduced by fast neutrons has been developed at HI-13 Tandem Van de Grab Accelerator Laboratory of CIAE. These techniques employ a multi-segment fission chamberand tab liquid scintillator neutron detectors. TOF (time of flight) techniques are usedfor prilnny neutrons to select the fission evellts induced by monoenergetic neutronfrom 'H(d, n) reactions instead of breakup neutrons from 'H(d, up) reactions. Thefission neutron TOF spectra are measured in coincidence with the fission fragmellts todistinguish fission neutrons from other secondals neutrons. The method perests measurements to a forly good accuracy under large neutron and gamma ray baCkgroulld.The tecboques are described and experimelltal spectra are presented.