论述地下溶浸技术对铜矿山可持续发展的作用。地下溶浸采矿技术为我国铜矿山可持续发展提供了有力的技术保障。地下溶浸采矿技术增加有用矿物探明储量的利用率 ,使贫矿 ,残留矿石和矿柱 ,难采矿体 ,盲矿 ,边缘矿石等成为可开发利用的潜在资源 ,延长矿山的服务年限。地下溶浸采矿技术不破坏矿区的植被和生态环境 ,投资少 ,成本低。
The effect of underground leaching technology on copper mines sustainable development is described The underground leaching technology is the technical support for copper mines sustainable development in China Not only the utilization rate of the proven metals deposits is increased, but also the latent resources such as lean ores, remaining ores and pillars, deposits mined difficultly, blind ore bodies, ores in the edge of deposit etc , are exploited by using underground leaching technology, so the survival life of copper mines are prolonged The vegetation and ecosystem of mine is protected, and the investment and operation costs are low while underground leaching technology is used
Nonferrous Metals