采用等离子体质谱法 ,在 2 % (体积分数 )的硝酸介质中 ,以1 1 5In为内标 ,同时测定碳酸锂中微量的镁、铝、铅。在 2 %(体积分数 )以上硝酸介质中 ,锂基体对 3种元素的测定影响较小 ,采用内标校正法可消除其干扰。方法的检出限均小于 1ng/L ,样品加标回收率在 92 9%~ 10 3 5 %之间。完全满足碳酸锂中镁、铝。
The measure for determination of trace magnesium, aluminum and lead in lithium carbonate by inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometer is investigated The optimum instrument working condition is selected The effects of lithium matrix on the determination of magnesium, aluminium and lead are studied and eliminated by adding 10ng/mL 115 In inner standard in 2%(V/V) HNO 3 solution This method is simple and accurate The detection limits are 0 50, 0 20 and 0 10 pg/mL respectively The recoveries of standard addition for magnesium, aluminium and lead are between 92 9% and 103 5% The proposed method has been applied to the determination of magnesium, aluminium and lead in lithium carbonate with satisfactory results
Nonferrous Metals