加达默尔的哲学诠释学区别于以往的一切诠释学 ,它不是去发展一种关于理解的方法和程序 ,而是从海德格尔的基础本体论和时间性范畴出发 ,去探究理解得以发生的条件 ,阐释了“既往、现在和将来”在“现在”基础上的“视域融合” ,说明了理解是对生活世界或历史意义的相对把握 ;它还恢复了亚里士多德的语言学理论 。
The philosophical hermeneutics of Gadamer was different from all old hermeneutics. It didn't develop method, regulation and procedure for better understanding, but inquire into how understanding could happen by following Heidegger's fundamental ontology and the category of time. It explained the horizontal harmonize between past, now and future and illustrated that we could only understand the relative meaning of history. It also showed that language was the universal medium of understanding by following Aristotle's language theory.
Journal of Shangrao Normal University