皖南事变发生后 ,中国共产党在力量处于劣势的情况下 ,对国民党的倒行逆施进行了坚决的反击。在斗争中 ,运用国际统战策略 ,冲破国民党的宣传封锁 ,巧妙地利用国际舆论向国民党施加压力 ,对揭露事实真相 ,巩固抗日民族统一战线 ,防止分裂产生了积极的作用 ;并由此扩大了中国共产党在抗战中的影响力 。
After the Wannan Event, in inferior position, the CCP struggled against the retroaction of Kuomintang decidedly. In the struggle, taking the advantage of the tactics of international united front, the CCP broke the propaganda blockage of Kuomintang and brought pressure to bear on it, which was very important to disclose the truth and strengthen the united front of Anti Japanese War. The struggle also strengthened the role of the CCP in the Anti Japanese War and created advantageous conditions for the CCP's success of the forthcoming struggle.
Journal of Shangrao Normal University