高等教育的发展与教育政策的创新有着深刻的联系。 2 0世纪 70年代末以来 ,我国高等教育的发展紧紧依托政策创新而不断向前推进。其中 ,恢复高考、体制改革和启动大众化的步伐是高等教育政策创新的突出表现。新世纪初叶我国高等教育在朝着实现大众化的方向前进 ,这种发展对于教育政策的创新有着更深切的需求。为此 ,必须进一步加强对高等教育的政策研究 。
The development of higher education is closely connected with the innovation of education policy. The development of higher education has made great progress on the base of policy innovation since the end of 1970's. The resumption of the entrance examination of university, the system reform and the launch of popularization of higher education are the outstanding symbols of the innovation of higher education policy. At the beginning of the new century national higher education is going forward on the road of popularization of higher education, which requests further innovation of education policy. Therefore, we shall strengthen the research of higher education policy and the construction of higher education regulation and laws.
Journal of Higher Education