近年来很多论著把创始于 1 91 4年的湘雅医学院作为教会大学进行研究 ,但从其发展过程来看 ,湘雅医学院并非教会大学。实际情况是 :1 91 4年至 1 92 5年的湘雅医学专门学校是一所由中美民间团体发起创立 ,得到湖南省政府经费资助 ,且办学经费来源多元化的私立大学 ;1 92 5年至 1 93 1年的湘雅医科大学、1 93 1年至 1 940年的湘雅医学院是完全由中国方面投资和管理的私立大学 ;1
Xiangya medical school, founded in 1914, is studied as an ecclesiastic university in many recent works, but in fact, it is not an ecclesiastic university according to its growing process. The fact is: Xiangya medical college (1914\|1925) was initiated and founded by Sino\|American communities and imbursed by government of Hunan Province. It was a private college with many financing origins. Xiangya medical university (1925\|1931) and Xiangya medical school (1931\|1940) were private universities imbursed and managed by Chinese government completely. It was transformed into a national university after 1940.
Journal of Higher Education