目的 :探讨支气管结核在纤维支气管镜下治疗的方法及价值。方法 :对 2 5例支气管结核病人 ,在全身抗结核治疗的同时分别实施镜下注药治疗、微波接触式辐射治疗和球囊扩张术 +局部注药治疗。结果 :在全身抗结核治疗的同时运用上述几种镜下治疗方法 ,支气管局部病灶较镜下治疗前均有明显好转。结论 :利用纤维支气管镜对支气管结核病人进行局部治疗 ,可加快病灶的吸收和症状的改善 。
Objective:To investigate the methods and importance of the treatment of bronchial tuberculosis through branchofiberoscope.Methods:Twenty-five patients were observed, and branchofiberoscope injection, contacting-microwave radiotherapy, and dilatation of saccule combined local injection was used respectively, besides general antituberculosis.Results:The focus of bronchial tuberculosis had markedly effects, compared with general antituberculosis only.Conclusion:The focus of the patients with bronchial tuberculosis can be improved and the symptoms of the disease are decreased by the treatments of bronchial tuberculosis through branchofiberoscope along with general antituberculosis.
China Journal of Endoscopy