探讨癫持续状态 (StatusEpilepticus,SE)时细胞凋亡的发生及其与海马硬化的关系。采用锂 匹罗卡品诱发大鼠SE模型 ,在SE的不同时点采大鼠脑标本 ,利用TUNEL染色方法检测大鼠海马皮质神经元的凋亡出现情况。结果发现 ,正常对照组大鼠大脑皮质可见散在的TUNEL阳性细胞 ,海马区未见TUNEL阳性细胞。SE1h ,皮质TUNEL阳性细胞数即开始增加 ,SE后 8h ,海马区开始出现TUNEL阳性细胞 ,SE后 1d ,大脑皮质TUNEL阳性细胞数开始明显增加 ,海马区也可见到较多TUNEL阳性细胞。SE后 5d ,皮质及海马的TUNEL阳性细胞数达到高峰。 7d时皮质及海马TUNEL阳性数均明显下降。结果提示 ,SE可引起神经元凋亡 ,5d时达到高峰 ,7d时已明显下降。神经元凋亡与SE引起的迟发性神经元死亡有关 ,并参与了海马硬化的形成。
This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of neuronal apoptosis in rats with status epilepticus (SE).The SE models induced by lithium and pilocapine were established with Wistar male rats. The occurrence of neuronal apoptosis was observed by terminal deoxynucleotidal transfers mediated dUTP biotin nick end labeling(TUNEL)staining .The results indicated that in the normal control rats, TUNEL positive neurons can be found sporadically in the brain cortex and can not be found in hippocampus .The number of apoptotic neurons in the cortex increased significantly 1 day after SE, a lot of apoptotic neurons were also seen in the hippocampus .The number of apoptotic neuron peaked at 5 day,significantly decreased at 7 day.In conclusion:1.SE can cause neuronal apoptosis.2.Neuronal apoptosisis correlated to delayed neuronal death and participates in hippocampal sclerosis. \[