目的 :探讨中药加味温胆汤改善脑功能的中枢机制。方法 :采用高效液相技术系统观察SAM P 10鼠脑内皮层、海马、纹状体等与学习记忆关系密切的脑内 4种氨基酸水平的变化。结果 :( 1)EAAs的变化 :各组治疗后加味温胆预防组、1号组皮层的Glu、Gin、Asp均有显著意义下降 (P <0 .0 1) ;2号组各指标也呈下降趋势。但仅Asp有明显下降 (P <0 .0 5) ,西药组诸指标虽有下降趋势 ,但不显著。各中药组海马Asp含量均明显下降 (P <0 .0 1) ,西药组也明显下降 (P <0 .0 5) ,Asn水平经治疗后有所下降 ,除预防方与R 1品系无显著差异外 ,其他各组升高与R 1品系Asn水平尚有显著差异 (P <0 .0 1)。中药预防组和 1号方组的纹状体Glu、Asp、Asn水平均有明显降低 (P <0 .0 1) ,2号方仅对Asp、Asn有显著降低作用 ,对Asp虽有明显降低作用 (P <0 .0 5) ,但不如中药各组。结论 :提示加味温胆汤对快速老化SAM 10痴呆鼠的EAAs的代谢亢进和失调有明显调节作用 ,这为加味温胆汤在脑衰老及老年痴呆中的运用提供了依据。
OBJECTIVE To explore the brain function improving mechanism of Jiawei Wendan (JWWD) prescription. METHODS By using high performance liquid chromatography to observe the change of 4 amino acids of SAM P/10′s brain, which had close relation with learning memory.RESULTS The Glu, Gln?Asp in cortex of preventive prescription and prescription No. I decreased significantly( P < 0.01 ), as to prescription NO.II, only Asp decreased obviously( P < 0.05 ), all index of western medicine had no obvious reducing tendency. Asp in hippocampus of groups treated by Chinese medicine deceased significantly( P < 0.01 ), so did western medicine( P < 0.05 ), the level of Asn decreased after treatment, preventive prescription had no obvious difference from that of SAM R/1,the increasing of the other groups′Asn had obvious difference from that of SAM R/1( P < 0.01 ),the Asp, Asn in striate body for preventive prescription and prescription No 1 droped obviously ( P < 0.01 ), as to prescription No.Ⅱ, only Asp, Asn has obviousy reduced, furthermore, decreasing of Asn is very different from that of SAM R/1( P < 0.05 ). The increasing of Glu, Asp, Asn in striate body treated by western medicine increased obviously ( P < 0.01 ), Asp decreased obviously( P < 0.05 ), but not so much as Chinese medicine.CONCLUSIONS It prompts that Jiawai Wendan prescription can regulate the level of SAM P/10′s EAAs obviously. This provide bases for the clinical use of Jiawei Wendan prescription on the encephalic senility and senile dementia.
Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
湖北省自然科学基金资助项目 编号99j086