本文根据压电效应模型,详细研究了(100),(011)和(111)衬底上 GaAs MESFET栅的取向特性.通过合适的正交变换,求出了压电电荷密度.考虑到沟道-衬底界面的耗尽层,得到了阈值电压随栅取向变化的解析表达式.结果与两维数值分析基本一致.
Based on the piezoelectric effect model, the gate orientation dependence in GaAs MES-FET's on (100), (011) and (111) substrates is investigated in detail. Expressions for pie-zoelectric charge arc obtained through the orthogonal transformation.The dependence ofthreshold voltage shifts on gate orientation has analytically obtained by taking into accountthe depletion layer at the channcl-substratc interface. The results predicted by the analyticalmodel are in agreement with those by the two-dimensional numerical model.