In this research,the performance of sulfurator,the spectrum and depositional characteristic of sublimate particles produced by the sulfurato r were measured.And field experimen t of controlling strawberry powdery mildew by using sulfur fumigation technique was conducted in greenhouse.The re sults showed:when the rate of sulfur fumi-gation ranged from 0.31g /h,the average size of sublimate particles was 1.4μm,the average ratio of depositional density of sulfur particles on the ob verse sides of simulated target to th at of sulfur particles on the reverse was 1.14.Results indicated that sulfur particles could be evenly deposited on the target surface.The effectively dep ositional distance of sulfur particles was 8me ters in greenhouse,so the sulfurato r should be arranged at intervals of 16me-ters in fields.Field experiments sh owed that strawberry powdery mildew effectively controlled by using sul fur fumiga-tion technique,the yield of strawberry increased 170Kg per mu.It can be c oncluded that very good results woul d be achieved after executing the tech nique in greenhouse as well as other s imilar places.
Plant Protection Technology and Extension