以三个推广的水稻晚粳品种 (秀水 6 3、优丰、秀水 110 )作材料 ,用生物活性脱乙酰壳聚糖水基溶液处理供试水稻品种的种子 ,研究该溶剂对秧苗素质、主要农艺性状及增产效果的影响。结果表明 ,以该制剂处理后的秧苗素质和主要经济性状均好于对照 ,稻谷产量也高于对照 ,增产幅度为 1.9%~ 4 .2 %。
The experiment was carried out to study the effect of water based solution of chitosan on the seedling quality, major agronomic characters and yields of three rice varieties (Xiushui 63, Youfeng, Xiushui 110). The results showed that after the rice seeds were treated with the solution, the seedling quality and major economic characters of rice were better than those of controls. And the grain yield also increased by 1.9% to 4.2%.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai