通过对金华猪胴体直长、胴体重、屠宰率、平均膘厚、平均皮厚、后肢重与净肉重的通径分析 ,结果表明胴体重和屠宰率对净肉重的影响显著 ,最优回归模型为 :y =1 6.3668+ 0 .1 5 75x2 - 1 7.61 0
Path analysis was conducted on the carcass traits that including carcass length,carcass weight, carcass yield,average backfat thickness,average skin thickness,ham weight and meat weight.The results showed that carcass weight and carcass yield have dromatically effect on meat weight. The optimum regression mode of carcass traits was established also.The equation of regression was: y=16.3668+0.1575x 2-17.6102x 3
Journal of Qinghai University(Natural Science)