考虑感应电机普遍存在的磁饱和现象 ,在感应电机的全阶、非线性磁饱和动态模型的基础上构造了一个无奇异点、全局渐近位置跟踪控制方案 。
This paper discusses position-tracking control of the induction motors in the presence of magnetic saturation effects. Observer-based backstepping control approach is employed and the controller is constructed according to Lyapunov stability analysis .By utilizing the p-equivalent saturation model, an adaptive rotor position-tracking controller for a full-order model of the induction motor which includes magnetic saturation effects that have been neglected in most of the previous work is presented. Results indicated that the controller utilizing stator and rotor current measure can achieve global asymptotic rotor position tracking despite saturation effects and parametric uncertainty associated with the stator and rotor resistence constants. It is concluded that the proposed scheme in this paper has a good effect on induction motor control.=
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Chemical Technolgy