针毛收获蚁Messoraciculatus(F .Smith)是我国西北荒漠草原生态系统中的种子收获性优势蚁类 ,收获、贮藏和取食多种 1年生荒漠植物种子 ,其中狗尾草、地锦、猪毛菜、雾冰藜最为典型 ,冬贮量分别为 1 92 ,1 1 2 ,0 5 1和 0 2 5g 1 0 0工蚁 ,分别占土壤种子库总量的 5 4 3 5 %~ 78 2 6% ,1 6 85 % ,1 1 7%和1 0 0 % ,占种子年产量的 79 5 6% ,1 6 73 % ,4 91 %和 3 1 49%。嗜于收获和贮藏的种子大小为 1 2~ 2 7mm ,重量为 0 8~ 2 0g 千粒。贮藏格局表现在不同穴巢深度所贮藏的种子种类和贮量不同 ;不同类型种子在贮藏小室中的堆放和混合方式不同 ;总贮量与社群总蚁量和蚁后数正相关。贮藏引起种子萌发能力显著降低。此外 ,对贮藏格局与种子形态特征的关系及该蚁在荒漠草原生态系统中的功能与地位进行了讨论。
Messor aciculatus (F.Smith)is an important seed harvester ant in the desert ecosystem of northwestern China.It harvests the seeds of more than 10 annual plants,of which Staria viridia,Salsola collina,Bassia dasypylla and Euphobia humifusa are the most important.The quantity of seeds of these four plant species stored in the hibernaling nest was 1 92,1 12,0 51 and 0 25 g per 100 workers,which respectively comprised 54 35%~78 26%,16 85%,1 17% and 100% respectively of in soil seed bank.The preferred seed size and weight was 1 2~2 7 mm and 0 8~2 0 g( n =1?000 seeds).The kind and quantity of seedes stored varied with nest depth.Seeds with similar characteristics were mixed and piled up in certain storage chambers.The weight of seeds stored was positively correlated with both colony size and queen number.The germination rate of seeds in weight nests was significantly lower than that in soil.Storage patterns may be determined by the morphological characteristics of seeds.The influence of seed harvester behavior of M.aciculatus on the desert ecosystem vegetation is discussed.
Entomological Knowledge
国家自然科学基金项目 (30 0 6 0 0 14 )