通过对紧凑大穗型玉米品种陕单 90 2的研究发现 ,保证适宜种植密度 ,增加群体总粒数是陕单 90 2高产的基础 ;建立合理的群体结构和干物质生产体系 ,提高吐丝至成熟期的干物质生产能力是陕单 90 2高产的关键 ;协调群体库源关系 ,提高成粒率是陕单 90 2高产的根本。采用合理密植 (不超过 60 0 0 0株 / hm2 )、宽窄行和双株栽培 ,保证足量氮肥和适宜氮、磷、钾配比等主要配套技术可改善大穗型玉米品种陕单 90 2的群体库源性状 ,提高产量潜力。
Through planting test of compact and big ear type maize Shaandan 902,it was founded that keeping feasible planting density and adding canopy sum grains are basic of high yield,setting up reasonable canopy structure and system of dry matter production and improving the energy of dry matter production sliking stage to mature stage are key of Shaandan 902 high yield,corresponding canopy relationship of source-sink and enhancing rate of formed grain are root of high yield.It was advanced that planting reasonable density (no more than 60 000 plant/hm 2),planting broad and small row,planting double plants,keeping enough nitrogenous fertilizer and nitrogenous-phosphorus ration,these matching technology can increase yield potential of Shaandan 902.
Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
陕西省科技攻关项目 ( 96 K0 1- G0 2 )
陕西省农业重点推广项目资助 ( 98- 0 0 2 )