随着改革的不断深入 ,国有企业劳动关系的一些深层次的矛盾开始暴露 :国有企业劳动关系缺乏有效的退出机制 ,国有企业的低效益使劳动关系长期不正常 ,国有企业社会政治任务使劳动关系市场化难以顺利推行。加入WTO以后 ,我国企业劳动关系出现市场化程度提高等一系列新趋势 ,在对国有企业的劳动关系中存在的问题及其变化新趋势进行分析的基础上 ,提出了一些国有企业劳动关系改革的政策建议 ,以期为国有企业劳动关系调整和完善提供良好的社会环境 。
With the deepening of China's SOEs reform, some deep problems of labor relationship begin to come out: lacking of backing mechanism; long-term abnormal labor relationship due to low benefit of SOEs; difficulties in carrying out the marketization on of labor relationship because of the social and political targets of SOEs. After China's entry into WTO, there are some new tendencies of labor relationship of SOEs such as the upgrade of marketlization. This essay analyzes the problems existed and development tendencies in SOEs, and puts forward some policy suggestions for the reform of SOEs labor relationship.
Economic Survey