The excitation functions were measured in the reaction of 27Al+27Al at incident energies from 114MeV to 127MeV in steps of 200keV. The detection angles were continuously covered from 10o to 57° in the laboratory system. The energy autocorrelation functions of the dissipative fragments were analyzed by using different approaches. The nonself-averaging oscillations in the excitation functions were considered due to the angular momentum coherence and damping of the coherent nuclear rotation. The damping results from a quantum chaotic motion.
The excitation functions were measured in the reaction of 27Al+27Al at incident energies from 114MeV to 127MeV in steps of 200keV. The detection angles were continuously covered from 10o to 57° in the laboratory system. The energy autocorrelation functions of the dissipative fragments were analyzed by using different approaches. The nonself-averaging oscillations in the excitation functions were considered due to the angular momentum coherence and damping of the coherent nuclear rotation. The damping results from a quantum chaotic motion.
the National Natural Science Foundation (No.19775057), and by the Chinese Academyof Sciences and the Laboratori Nazionale del
Excitation function mensurement, Dissipative heavy ion collision, Angular momentum coherence, Quantum chaos