
略论南朝学术文艺的地域差别 被引量:1

On the Regional Differences of academy and culture in the Sorthern Dynasty
摘要 南方的长江流域文明以中游的荆楚地区兴起最早。但在秦统一全国的战争中,大批楚移民向东迁徙,造成了汉初下游和上游学术文艺一度高于中游。经过汉代的发展,中原人民大量南迁,使中游的学术文化逐步赶上了上游和下游。然而三国时的战乱使吴地文化发展再次超越中游。西晋末年以后,大批中原士人南迁吴越,更使长江下游成了南方甚至全国的文化中心。与此同时,由于上游的巴蜀地区出现了巴氏李氏政权,又距都城建康较远,学术文化遂显萧条。相反地,中游的荆襄则在进入南朝以后由于在经济和军事上的地位而日起重要,这里的文化也迅速发展,到南朝齐梁时代,此地的学术文化已颇繁荣。但梁末江陵的陷落,却使这里不少地方落入北周的控制之下。陈代的疆域较齐梁已大为缩小,由于王谢刘萧诸族的衰落,学术文艺也趋向衰颓。但与此同时,在侯景之乱中,一些文人避难广东、福建,却也使那里的学术文艺得以发展。 In the Yangtse River Valley, JingChu, the middle reaches of the river, is the area that developed ear-liest in civilization. But in the country wide war of Qin Kingdom to unifing the separated states numbers of Chu im-migrants flowed to the eastern area, so in the early years of Han dynasty, academy and culture in the area of lower and upper reaches of the river is more advanced than that in the area of middle reaches of the river. But in the well - off period of Han dynasty, a great many people moved from the middle reaches of the Yellow river to the south, and this helped the middle reaches of the Yangtse river gradually catch up with the lower and upper reaches in cul-ture . Then in the Three Kingdoms' period, the development of academy and culture in Wu area surpass that in the middle reaches once more, and after the last years of Western Jin, many scholars moved to the lower reaches of the river, and made there the culture center in southern China or even in the whole country. In the meantime, Bashu(at the upper reaches of the river) ruled by the governor named after Li was far off Jiankang, the capital of southern Chi-na, so, culture development legged behind there. On the contrary, in the Southern dynasty, JingXiang, the middle reaches of the river had become more and more important at the aspect of economy and military, going with it, academy and culture developed very fast there. At the time of the Qi, Liang dynasty, the secne of academy and culture had become very prosperous in this area. But to the end of the Liang dynasty, Jiangling and many other places fell into BeiZhou conqueror's hands. In the Chen dynasty, the territory is smaller than Qi, Liang, and the aristocrats (Wang, Xie,Liu, Xiao) had declined, so the academy and culture was gradually degenerated. But in the meantime, many scholar wanted to avoid the Houjing's turbulence and seek asylum in Guangdong and Fujian,and this promoted the level of academy and culture there.
作者 曹道衡
出处 《南京师范大学文学院学报》 2002年第3期27-35,共9页 Journal of School of Chinese Language and Culture Nanjing Normal University
关键词 地域差别 南朝 长江流域 学术 文艺 Southern Dynasty, Yangtse river valley, Academy, Culture
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