河北海事局辖区内有举世闻名的北戴河海滨 ,做好船舶防污染工作具有非常重要的意义。多年来 ,该局探索建立起一个覆盖法规建设、通航环境治理、船舶检查、船员管理、危险货物码头监管及溢油应急防污预控体系 ,取得了良好的成效。
Beidaihe Beach is one of Hebei MSA's custodianship zone,so it's very important to prevent pollution from ships.A control system of pollution from ships has been set up by Hebei MSA which includes regulations construction,navigable waters management,ship inspection,screw management,dangerous goods berths superintendence and oil spill emergency response.It's running well and achieves remarkable success.