企业的命运究竟由什么力量最终决定? 看过了太多的开始与落幕,听过了太多企业家关于公司经营战 略的展望与总结,但真的仅仅是堂皇的这一切主宰了企业的成功、失败或平庸吗? 在所有这些公开说辞的背后,我们也听到了更为错综复杂的描述——主宰这一切的是几乎从来不在公开场合被提及的“公司政治”。这是一种谁也无法忽略的更为隐秘也更有决定性的力量。就像精神分析学中难以名状的潜意识对人类行为的决定作用一样,公司政治也在不知不觉中改变着一个企业和一个人的命运和前程:平时隐形存在、关键时刻翻云覆雨,而且无处不在,令人无可遁逃! 管理层人事动荡、企业战略摇摆不定、内部帮派钩心斗角……无数诸如此类的企业故事发生了或正在发生。有人说搞掂中国企业需要超级大玩家,更有人说成功的中国企业家必是合格的“企业政治家”。 这是公司政治的真相吗?
Whatever force will finally decide the fate of a firm? We have seen too many successes and failures. Execu-tives have told us too many summaries and prospects aboutthe strategies of their companies. However. have we foundthe real force to decide the success and failure of a firm?No. Now. beyond all the rhetoric spoken to the public, wehear a more complicated saying ——'company politics'.It is a relatively hidden but decisive force, which no onecan neglect. It can change the fate of a firm with greatsecrecy. Although often invisible, it can shift your groundat the critical moments, None can escape from it!