污水深度、超深度处理技术已实用化 ,城市总体规划与给水排水系统规划都应重新考虑 ,应将城市污水视为可贵的淡水资源。把污水深度处理与再生回用放到重要位置上 ,恰当地确定排水分区、污水净化厂的位置与个数 ,改变下游高度集中处理的做法。在新建和扩建污水处理厂时 ,要选择经济实用的污水深度处理系统 。
Nowadays, when sewage further treatment and super advanced treatment technology has become more applicable, urban wastewater should be reconsidered as valuable fresh water resource whilst proceeding general city plan and water supply and sewerage system plan. Sewage further treatment and reuse should be raised to the utmost important place. Properly allocate and determine the position and number of sewerage areas and sewage treatment plants so as to avoid intensive deployment of these facilities in the lower reaches area. When building a new sewage treatment plant or rebuilding an old one, it is necessary to select an economic and applicable sewerage system and develop reuse of wastewater. Meanwhile the sludge should be used as valuable organic muck for farms too.
Water & Wastewater Engineering