研究了韵律特征对指代歧义的解歧作用及其机制。所选的指代歧义句先由 33名被试确定其主要意思和次要意思。歧义句由 8名发音人朗读 ,经专家和普通听者评定后选出 1人的语料为实验材料。各有 12名在校大学生参加了重音听辨实验和名词互换语义判断实验。实验 1请被试比较歧义句中切分出来的所指名词与非所指名词的重读程度。实验 2中将不同的名词组合嵌入到主要意思与次要意思的句子框架中 ,请被试判断合成句表达的是主要意思还是次要意思。实验 3对 4名发音人的语料进行了声学分析 ,测量并比较了歧义句中的所指名词和非所指名词的音高、时长和音强。结果表明 ,韵律信息对于指代歧义有较好的解歧效果 ,消解指代歧义的基本手段是在所指名词上设置重音 ,其主要的声学表现是所指名词时长的延长。
In this research, the role and the mechanism of prosodic features in disambiguating demonstrative ambiguous sentences were studied. Thirteen subjects determined the first and second meaning of the ambiguous sentences. One of 8 speakers was selected to read the experiment sentences by professional acoustician and ordinary people. There were 12 subjects in the experiment of stress perception and experiment of meaning decision separately. In experiment 1, the subjects were asked to determine the more stressed word between the demonstrative noun and the non-demonstrative noun. In experiment 2, different kinds of word grouping were inserted into the first meaning sentence frame and the second meaning frame. The subjects were asked to determine whether the combined sentence conveys the first meaning or the second meaning. In experiment 3, we did acoustic measurement and analysis on the nouns in the ambiguous sentences. Results showed that: the way to disambiguate demonstrative ambiguous sentences is to stress the corresponding word by lengthening its duration.
Acta Psychologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 39970 2 5 4)
973国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目 (G19980 30 5 0 5 -3)。