以 48名北京大学本科生为被试 ,检验羞耻和内疚差异的 3种假设 :研究一同时检验“公开化与私人化”和“个人无能与违背道德”两个假设 ;研究二检验“伤害自我与伤害他人”假设。方法是依次呈现一系列不同的负性情境 (情境事先已按要检验的假设加以控制 ) ,要求被试设想自己亲身经历该情境 ,然后回答体验到的羞耻和内疚的程度及理由。结果表明 :①“公开化与私人化”对羞耻和内疚的影响有显著差异 (p <0 0 5 ) :“有他人在场”可以易化羞耻 ,而内疚感的产生一般不需要“观众”在场。②“违背道德”在引发羞耻和内疚感上基本相等 ,而“个人无能”引起更多的羞耻感 (p <0 0 1)。③“公开化与私人化”和“个人无能与违背道德”的交互作用不显著。④“伤害自我”更多引起羞耻感 (p <0 0 5 ) ,而“伤害他人”更多引起内疚感 (p <0 0 1)。
The purpose of this research is to examine the factors that may cause shame or guilt and to differentiate these two kindsof emotions. A group of 48 college students, aged 19.96±1.13, participated in this research. A set of written negative situationswhich can cause one feel both shame and guiltwere presented to the Ss. The Sswere asked to image themselves in the described situation, and then responded to a questionnaire regarding their emotional degree and reasons of shame and guilt. There are two parts in the research. Part one examined simultaneouslythe hypotheses of the impacts of 'public vs. private' and 'personal inadequacy vs. moral norm violation' on shame and guilt. Part two studied the hypothesis of the impact of 'hurt oneself vs. hurt others' on both emotions, which was newly advanced by Xie Boin her phenomenology research. The results of this research indicated that: (1) 'Public vs. private' had significant differences between shame and guilt(p<0.05). The presence of an audience (“public”) more likely led to feel shame. However, feeling guilt didn’t need any audiences (“private”) in general. (2) “Violation of moral norms” didn’t have significant difference on causing shame or guilt, while“personal inadequacy” evoked more shame(p<0.01). (3) The interaction between“public vs. private” and“personal inadequacy vs. violation of moral norms” was not significant. (4) “Hurt oneself” caused significantly more shame(p<0.05), while“hurt others” evoked more guilt(p<0.01).
Acta Psychologica Sinica