
英语写作教学法探讨——文章修改互动方法的实验研究 被引量:21

Exploration of Teaching Methodology of English Writing—An Empirical Study of Interactive Approach to Revising
摘要 本研究试图验证写作教学的互动方法的有效性。实验的基本假设是 :如果学过这种互动写作方法的学生在文章修改过程中运用它 ,将比没有学过该互动方法的学生修改出更好的文章。实验表明 ,实验组做的宏观层次上的变化大大多于控制组。通过诸如整体性评估、图尔明分析和终止性单位等一系列手段获得的数据表明 ,实验组修改出的文章比控制组的内容更丰富 ,更有说服力 。 This study attempts to testify the validity of an interactive approach to teaching English writing. The hypothesis is that, if the subjects who have learned the interactive approach to writing employ it in the revising process, they will come up with better-revised essays than those who have not learned the approach. The experiment reveals that the experimental group made far more macro-structural changes than the control group. The data obtained by means of various instruments such as holistic rating, Toulmin analysis and T-unit analysis demonstrates that the revised essays presented by the experimental group are more substantiated, more persuasive than those presented by the control group. This confirms the hypothesis.
作者 邓志勇
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2002年第5期54-58,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 教学法 文章 实验研究 英语写作 实验 修改 互动方法 English writing experiment revising interactive approach
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