《幸运的吉姆》是英国小说家金斯利·艾米斯的代表作品。小说塑造了一个男性“灰姑娘”的故事。表面看来 ,吉姆之所以在事业爱情上双双胜出纯粹是由于幸运。但细细分析起来 ,他的幸运的背后隐藏着必然的社会文化背景。观察并分析《霍华德别业》和《幸运的吉姆》中精英文化和工商业资本之间力量对比、叙述口吻以及两种力量竞争结果的变化 。
Lucky Jim, the masterpiece of Kingsley Amis, tells the story of a young man who manages to get the table turned at the last minute and thus wins both a good job and a beautiful woman. At the first glance, it is by sheer luck that Jim succeeds. But this article intends to compare Lucky Jim with Forster's Howards End with the aim of showing that Jim's luck is actually a sure result of his meeting the cultural need of industrial and commercial bourgeoisie. The so-called luck has its root in the changing social and cultural consciousness stirred up by the economic changes since the industrial revolution.
Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages