
对第二语言习得中场独立/依靠研究的再思考 被引量:9

Reconsidering Studies of Field Independence/dependencein Second Language Acquisition
摘要 借鉴研究的成果,尝试提出一种新的方法来研究场独立/依靠和二语习得的关系。在这种新方法中,场独立/依靠被划分为场独立和非场独立以及场依靠和非场依靠的二维结构。因为场独立和场依靠的能力并非补充分布,一个学习者可能同时拥有这两种能力,在一定的学习背景中,学习者可能调整他们的认知方式。另外,场独立和场依靠对二语习得的影响不仅通过能力也通过偏爱来实现。 The research results from aptitude studies, a new approach to the study on the relation of FI/D to SLA is tentatively proposed. In this new approach, FI/D is regarded as a construct which can be divided into two scales: FI and nonFI as one scale, and FD and nonFD another scale. The abilities of FI and FD are not complementary with each other; they may exist in one learner, and students may modify their cognitive styles in a certain learning context. The effects of field independence and field dependence on SLA are engendered not only through ability but also through preference.
作者 戴运财
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 2002年第5期82-84,共3页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 第二语言习得 个体差异 场独立/依靠 二维划分法 语言学习 second language acquisition individual difference field independence/dependence twoscaled division
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