

On partiality of the communicative conception of language
摘要 从儿童思维发展中的语言介入性、语言的认知功能以及语言与思维的关联性三个方面,对交际语言观提出质疑。交际语言观,即"语言独立于思维"的观点是有偏颇的;对于语言与思维的关系,任何偏激的观点都是站不住脚的,正确的做法应是将观点弱化,使之折中化、合理化。 This paper questions the tenability of the communicative conception of language from the perspectives of the existence of language in childrens developmental process of thought,the cognitive function of language, and the associability of language with thought, and holds that the communicative conception - language is independent of thought - is inappropriate due to its partiality, which indicates that as to the relationship between language and thought, any radical view is doomed untenable, and that it is advisable to weaken and neutralize the views so as to make them reasonable.
作者 许宁云
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 2002年第5期92-95,共4页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 交际语言观 偏颇性 弱化 语言 思维 communicative conception of language partiality weakening
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