1973年帛书《老子》和 1 993年竹简《老子》出土后 ,《老子》版本的研究取得了重大进展。自二十世纪八十年代以来 ,国内外出版了 2 0多种英译本《老子》 ,但是多数译者没有充分利用《老子》版本研究的新成果 ,致使译本的学术价值受到影响。本文比较了世传本、帛书本和竹简本《老子》在文本上的几处重要差异 ,并分析了帛书和竹简《老子》英译本的译文 ,提出应借助竹简《老子》订正并重译帛书《老子》。
Following the discovery of the silk manuscript Laozi at Mawangdui in 1973 and the bamboo slip Laozi at Guodian in 1993, important headways have been made in the textual studies of Laozi. Since the 1980s more than 20 English translations of Laozi have been published, yet the majority of the translators failed to make use of the latest findings of textual studies of Laozi,thus adversely affecting the academic value of their translations. After comparing a number of important textual differences among the received text, the silk manuscript text, and the bamboo slip text, and after analyzing the translations of the silk manuscript and the bamboo slip text, the authors of the paper argue for reediting and retranslating the silk manuscript Laozi in the light of the bamboo slip Laozi.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research