
立象尽意 《乐道——中国古典音乐哲学论稿》之三 被引量:1

Image of Idea Studies of Ancient Chinese Philosophy of Music (Part Three)
摘要 在中国古典乐道看来,所谓音乐者,正是以“道、形、器”中“形”之层面的乐象即音响动态模型,来明示亘古不易之万物行运大道。一方面,乐象就其作为模型而言,势必先行“遗忘己象”,从而先天地失落了自己最为具像的方面;就其根本不可能对世间其它事象进行几何拓扑模拟而言,又先天地失落了对象事件之最为具像的方面;所余者,仅是音响动态模型与其模拟之对象事件所共有的某种同态同行之抽象的品质。正是这种抽象的品质,使其具有了基型的概括能力。另一方面,乐象即音响动态模型又具有王夫之所说“据器而道存,离器而道毁”的特殊品质。因此,所谓乐象即音响动态模型,乃是墨子所谓“达·类·私”三级范畴中“类”一级的“类象”。在此“类象”之中,道、形、器三者“统一乎一形”,而成为“直观之知识”。 In the view point of the Traditional Chinese music Dao, music shows the general and eternal route followed by all creatures in the universe with the means of dynamic sound model, which can be called as music image. It holds a position of Xing (scheme) among the system of Dao , Xing, Qi. On one hand, it has to first give up, or forget its own image before it can function as a sound model to represent the dynamic feature of the universe. Therefore it loses,from very beginning,the most physical aspects of itself. And as it can not at all to represent other objects with a topological model, it also loses from very beginning, the most physical aspects of the objects. The only remains are the abstractive feature shared by all creatures when they are in common status and common movements. Exactly due to this, it obtains the capability of generalizing by means of basic model. On the other hand, it has the special characteristics that 'the Dao exists with the Qi, and ruins without the Qi' ,as said by Wang Fuzhi. Therefore music image, or dynamic sound model, locates in the domain of Lei a-mong the three of Da, Lei, Si as defined by Mozi. It can be called as image of Lei, and here the all of Dao , Xing , Qi integrate into one, the Xing—— a 'directly sensible knowledge' .
出处 《星海音乐学院学报》 2002年第3期27-33,共7页 Journal of Xinghai Conservatory of Music
关键词 立象尽意 类象 乐象 基型 音响动态模型 音乐哲学 中国古典音乐哲学 Image of idea category image music image, basic model, dynamic sound model, music philosophy, traditional Chinese music philosophy
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