为快速检验无缝钢管上的缺陷 ,在薄壁小径管上进行了超声导波检测技术应用的实验研究。为此 ,介绍了超声导波激发的基本原理 ,设计了超声导波探头 ,并应用于地质套管件的无损检测。结果表明 ,超声导波技术检验速度快 ,可有效地提高检测效率 。
In order to discover the defects of seamless steel tube quickly, a guided wave technique applied on small diameter thin wall tube was developed. The principle of guided wave was introduced, and the guided wave transducer was designed to nondestructively evaluate the thimbles in mine engineering. The results show that the technique can improve the testing speed effectively and is suitable to the practical testing occasion.
Guangdong Electric Power