22 0kV新塘变电站自动化系统采用分层分布式结构 ,集变电站测量、保护、就地监视和控制 ,远方信息传输及控制于一体。通过LonWorks现场总线网络 ,将各种保护及测量控制等前置设备及就地监控主站、远动主站、工程师站、自动无功调节主站等联接起来 ,实现信息交换和数据共享 。
kV Xintang substation automation system adopts hierarchical and distributed system structure, integrates the measuring, functions of protection, local monitoring and control, remote communication and control into one system. The application of LonWorks network in automation system is emphasized. It links front end equipment, protection and measuring and local Monitoring and control station, remote control station, engineering station ,automatic reactive power regulation station by LonWorks field bus net, It realizes information exchange, date sharing and automatic monitoring, control and regulation of substation.
Guangdong Electric Power