回顾性分析了广东省惠阳市妇幼保健院 1 983~ 1 997年新生儿死亡率及死亡原因。按围产保健网建立与否分为两个阶段 ,1 983~ 1 990年为未建立围产保健网阶段 ,1 991~ 1 997年为已建立围产保健网阶段 ,对前后两个阶段新生儿的死亡率及致死原因进行了分析。结果表明 ,自建立国产保健网以来新生儿死亡率明显下降。致死原因主要与早产、低体重儿、新生儿畸形、新生儿窒息等有关。提示加强围产保健管理 ,提高产科质量 ,降低早产及低体重儿发生率 ,普及围产期保健知识 ,提高监护技术 。
The reasons for death of newborn babies in during 1983~1997 in Huiyang Mother and Child Health Care Center were reviewed and analyzed.The results showed that the death rate significantly decreased after the health care network was set up for pregnant women in 1991.The reasons of newborn babies death mainly rooted at premature birth,congenital malformation and newborn suffocation.It indicated that related methods for health care management and birth quality control should be enhanced.
Trace Elements Science