目的 探讨三种抗菌药物对非淋菌性尿道 (宫颈 )炎所产生的经济效果。方法 三组共 15 7例非淋菌性尿道 (宫颈 )炎病人分别用三种治疗方案 :A组用克拉霉素 ,B组用罗红霉素 ,C组用左旋氧氟沙星。最后运用药物经济学成本 效果分析方法比较。结果 无论是从成本 效果分析 (C/E)还是从增长的成本 效果比分析 (△C/△E) ,均得出A方案为治疗非淋菌性尿道 (宫颈 )炎的首选药物。结论 结合药物经济学理论指导临床用药 。
Objective To evaluate the economic effectiveness of three antibiotic therapeutic schemes for nongonococcal urethritis(cervicitis).Methods Three groups of total 157 patients suffering from nongonococcal urethritis(cervicitis) were treated with clarimycin,roxithromycin,and levofloxacin,respectively.The schemes were evaluated with pharmacoeconomic cost effectiveness analysis.Results Charimycin was the best in the three schemes from either cost effectiveness analysis(C/E) or increasing cost effectiveness analysis(△C/△E).Conclusion Pharmacoeconomics is very useful in optimizing therapeutic scheme.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy