目的 为了探讨中药尿路清对几种常见泌尿生殖道病原体的抑制作用 ,为中医药治疗此类疾病提供药理学依据。方法 分别采用液体试管法和微量稀释法测定了尿路清对这些病原体的体外抑制效应。结果 尿路清对金黄色葡萄球菌、乙型溶血性链球菌、丙型链球菌、卡他球菌、大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌、白念珠菌和表皮葡萄球菌的MIC(g/ml)分别为 0 .10、0 .0 5、0 .2 0、0 .2 0、0 .2 0、0 .2 0、0 .2 0、0 .2 0、0 .10 ;尿路清对解脲支原体和人型支原体的MIC分别为 3 .91g/L和 7.81g/L。结论 中医药在泌尿生殖道感染的治疗上有重要作用。
Objective To understand the antibacterial activity of Niaoluqing(NLQ),a kind of chinese medicinal herbs liquid,to common pathogenic bacteria in urinary and genital system.Methods We examined the inhibitory effect of NLQ to international standard strain of UU(T8) and MH by microdilution method,and MH was cultured in a liquid medium in which NLQ was added in doubling dilution,and examined the antibecterial cativity of NLQ against other germs always found in urinary and genital system with fluid test tube culture methold.Results NLQ had a higher sensitivity to UU(MIC=3.91g/L),a lower sensitivity ot MH(MIC=7.81g/L),and had a higher sensitivity to staphylococcus aureus,beta streptococcus,catarrhalis,Escherichia coli,Pesudomonas,aeruginosa,Candida albicans and Staphyliciaus epidermidis.Conclusion Chinese medicinal herbs liquid is of momentous sigificance in the treatment of UU,MH and other pathogenic germs infection.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology