目的 探讨在普通型超声乳化仪上进行爆破式白内障超声乳化吸出术的方法并观察其效果。方法 对315例345眼核硬度为Ⅰ-Ⅴ级的老年性白内障施行爆破、传统及脉冲式超声乳化术,术中结合自制晶状体碎核钩进行手法劈核。结果术后第1天、术后1周及术后3月的裸眼视力达0.8及以上者分别为76.81%、80.29%及87.25%,3种方式中以爆破式超声乳化时间最短,术后角膜水肿发生率最低,经统计学处理差异有显著性(P=0.000)。结论 爆破式白内障超声乳化吸出术具有超声乳化时间短,对眼组织损伤轻等优点,明显优于传统及脉冲方式。
Objective To investigate the method of burst phacoemulsification on the common phacoemulsification instrument.Methods Burst,traditional and pulse phacoemulsification with chop technique were used on 345 eyes of 315 patients with senile cataract. The degree of nuclear hardness was grade I - V . Results Postoperatively, the unconnected visual acuity was 0.8 or better in 76.81% ,80.29% and 87.25% at one day, one week and three months respectively. As compared with 152 eyes which were performed with the burst phacoemulsification, 122 eyes which were performed with the traditional phacoemulsification and 71 eyes which were performed with the pulse phacoemulsification, it suggested that the burst phacoemulsification time was the least, the incidence of the postoperative corneal edema was the lowest ( P = 0.000). Conclusion The burst phacoemulsification technique is preferable for phacoemulsification of cataract.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries