用 L HRH去势苗免疫性成熟雄鼠 ,免疫期对小鼠的性行为、受孕情况、睾丸剖检和组织学变化以及精子数量和活动能力进行检查 ,以确定去势效果。待抗体水平自然下降后再对小鼠的上述指标进行检查 ,以判断性功能恢复情况。结果显示抗体下降后 ,小鼠可以重新获得生育能力 ,表明 L
The LHRH emasculating vaccine was used to immunized the mature male mice to produce LHRH antibody.The mating ability, the proportion of pregnancy,the naked eye and the histology change of testicles, the number of sperms in testicle ,and the proportion of active sperm were examined to confirm the effect of emasculating. When the antibody came down ,the same targets were done. The result showed that after a long time, the bearing ability of mature mice immunized with the LHRH emasculating vaccine can recover.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine